The End of Bliss Habits (or Reflections on #WDS2015 Part One)

"On the way to butterfly"  Original Acrylic painting by me!  Kathy Sprinkle :)
“On the way to butterfly”
Original Acrylic painting by me!
Kathy Sprinkle šŸ™‚

If you follow along on our Bliss Habits page you probably already know that I recently attended Ā The World Domination Summit. Once again the experience has proven to be quite powerful.

The first speaker at this year’s conference was Jon Acuff. I’m not sure what rock I’ve been living under but I hadn’t previously heard of this terrific man. He gave a HILARIOUS speech that wove a ton of parenting and technology references I couldn’t help but to see myself in. One of my favorite lines was about “netflix adultery” — you know, “Where you get ahead of your partner in a show you’re watching together.”

Smack dab in the middle of the darn near most entertaining speech I have ever heard, it got serious for me. Jon said things like, “Regret has a longer shelf life than fear.” and “Can I pay you to NOT to work on things you care about…” (which is what happens when we start writing or changing things for an audience rather than working from our own heart.) He talked about distractions and asked us what happened to our voice.

In that moment I realized I had lost my voice. I’ve been tiptoeing around this for a long time, Bliss Habits has become a chore for me. I’ve become a slave to the schedule I’ve set and rather than sharing about the things that I most want to talk about, I’ve been sharing stale insights and even reposting “tried and true” material to keep the almighty SCHEDULE intact.

To make matters worse, because I’ve become such a slave to keeping the schedule going, I have had little time to work on new projects I’d like to take on. Well, I’m here to report that this is about to change. I’ve decided that I am going to RETIRE Bliss Habits. Now before some of you start to panic, this does not mean that Bliss Habits will be going entirely away. As a “retired blog” we will give up old conventions, take time to travel, relax, and consider our legacy. What this means to you dear readers:

Giving up old Conventions

1. We are no longer going to stick to a regular posting schedule. From now on I am going to add to our Bliss Habits library if and ONLY when the mood strikes. This may mean that certain habits will get more coverage than others but it also includes a promise that whatever is shared will be fresh and from the heart of bliss.

Taking time to Travel

2. I am starting a new project, called Dreams on the Side, so muchĀ of my time will be spent there. Taking my lead from another #WDS2015 speaker, Darek Sivers who said, “Ideas are only as good as execution.” I’ve created the start of a FB page here and if you want to stay in the loop:

new fb cover

Ā About Relaxing

3. I will not be trying to do everything at once. Over on our Facebook Page, I will continue to cycle through our 52 Habits of Bliss but it will be at the pace and frequency that moves me on a given day. Ā I will NOT be posting on the same schedule here on our blog (refer to number one in this list.)

Considering our Legacy

4. I have wanted to curate a “Best of Bliss” resource guide, Ā a couple of Bliss Habits courses and even a few fun products. Now that I am in Bliss Habits retirement I plan to do some of these things. In time, IĀ will makeĀ some changes to this Bliss Habits site to support these new additions and also to make it easier to find the content you are looking for.

For the foreseeable future, the most up to date information for Bliss Habits fans will be over on our Facebook page. If you aren’t a Facebook user and/or you would just like to be notified when we do make changes please sign up here.

It has been a fabulous 5 years of Bliss and with a vibrant Facebook community, over 1000 original posts and tons of curated content, I expect that Bliss Habits will continue be a go to spot for Blissful information. I look forward to crossing paths with you often!

ā€Žā€If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you areā€”if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.ā€ ~Joseph Campbell

P.S. You might have noticed that I said this is “part one,” I had planned to have part two all wrapped up and ready to click to here but it just isn’t ready yet. I’ll be back as soon as I have that other piece ready!

6 thoughts on “The End of Bliss Habits (or Reflections on #WDS2015 Part One)

  1. January Handl says:

    Oh Kathy, I so appreciate you retiring Bliss Habits with the same consciousness you strove for in creating and maintaining it!
    Your model of authenticity and be willing to constantly check-in, expand, create, and evolve are precious gifts to so many.

    I, personally, would love to see our artists (my) work gathered by the author as well as under the topics. And I realize that I am not willing to do that work, so take it as a wistful suggestion.

    Today, I celebrate how much I grew writing poetry for bliss, and for all the posts that hit my heart at exactly the right time. I totally support your choice to follow your bliss!

    Sending big big LOVE and GRATITUDE for all you held for all of us!

    • Kathy says:

      Thank you so much January. Thank you for everything you have contributed. I loved sharing your perspective on a weekly basis and look forward creating new ways for our readers to enjoy your poems. Your wistful suggestion is on of my own wishes so I’ll let you know when it happens. šŸ™‚

      Outrageous joy to you dear friend and thank you so much for sharing this blissful space with us.
      XOXOXO Kathy

  2. Kat says:

    Just so long as there is something to replace it. Blisshabits is my spiritual coffee–that I have with coffee each morning. I really have loved it so much.

    • Kathy says:

      It isn’t going away entirely Kat! In fact the facebook page will stay pretty much the same.We’re just RETIRING which I hope actually equates to MORE BLISS! šŸ™‚

  3. Wow… I’ve been reading your blog on and off for a while. And I attended #WDS2015 as well (my first.). What a heart/voice opener it was, and how amazing to feel the wave of energy from 3000 people helping each other onto our next step, or journey. I’m so grateful.

    I’ll see you in your Dreams šŸ˜‰


    • Kathy says:

      Thank you so much Halina! WDS was amazing! Thank you for following me over to Dreams on the Side.
      Will I see you at WDS next year?

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