As I was musing upon the qualities of humility I had a few thoughts cross my mind. The first one was that a lot of people present a sense of humility that isn’t true. Let me explain. By this I mean that some people are the “aww shucks, it wasn’t anything” when someone offers Read More
Category: Humility
Humility has a way of knocking one down a peg or two when needed, eh?
I’m revisiting one of my favorite posts. At three years later it is as applicable today as then! My nearly eight year old still enjoys a snuggle and often requests that I stay longer… I woke up, as I do every weekday morning, at 6:30 eager to get writing. Some thoughts on humility had been Read More
Will you miss a diamond in the rough, slight an angel, or crush a flower before it blooms?
I originally shared this post in 2011. The “what ifs” continue to taunt me. How about you? photo © 2010 Bob Bekian | more info (via: Wylio) I have a (now not so) secret love of reality television shows. I try not to watch too many of them because I get hooked every time. The thing that hooks me Read More
There are enough moments available for everyone.
Linda Adsetts and The Group are here with their weekly Go for the Joy message. Enjoy! I am musing my along this week. I am not sure where this is going, but this is my beginning. Last week, I wrote about moxie, which I think of as being full of your self, in a good way. Read More
Humility revisited -Two Year Old Style
When I get started each week I take some time to review my earlier posts on the topic. Quite often I run across something I had forgotten and/or feels especially timely again and I want to re-visit it. This is the case with this post, written while we were on vacation in Maui four years Read More
When We Just Are
While Romance might have been a difficult habit to navigate, truth be told, I’d like to retire the word humility from any language. Look at the definition and synonyms for humility. Power and control hierarchies are built into them there words. How can I honestly ask people to hold back, dampen their Light Read More