Inviting an Ocean of Possibility with Trust

"Trust" by Tamara Magnitsky
“Trust” by Tamara Magnitsky

Tamara explains her photo. “It’s Sparkle, one of the feral cats.
He’s the only one who climbs up on the porch chair to look in the window.
I always feed them first thing each morning. He is always there looking in the window at me expectantly, trusting I am on my way, any minute now but keeping his eye on me anyway!
This is also most especially a trust image for me because I am the only one who can pet Sparkle. He’s just really cautious and nervous around other people.
Each day I see his little face pop up in the window and I feel like I’ve accomplished something special in forming a bond of trust with a very cautious kitty.

This gentle give and take is a fabulous take on trust. How shall we give it? Will they take it? It is a dance we perform everyday. For the most part, we are able to trust more then Sparkle. We don’t need to be so cautious with our family and friends, or do we?

How often do you hold back, not trusting your weird idea or raw feeling will be well received?

January explores…

I am unaccustomed to being treated with
by January Handl

I am unaccustomed to being treated with


My first partner was surrounded by dread
betrayal, powerlessness, insecurity and
only had experienced rare glimpses
of the long road, well-lit by true intentions

The educational system I was battered with
fostered competition, numbness, and a deep
denial of my true yearnings,
though speckled with teachers who
showed me through their heart,
that my heart knows best


offer me a vast plain of possibility,
where the edges feel like home,
and the small child who knew
that this moment is the one to dwell in,
can now dance, dig, dive, and generally say


Yes, to the buried core of my being that isn’t
distracted by the inner-critics calls:
“Are you crazy?” “What will people think?”
Or other’s cautions of going off-road:
“Wow, that’ s different!”
(or “interesting” in the most ambiguous use of the word).

Give me time,
offer me space
to grow
toward the open ocean of possibility
now that trust holds open the door.

Trust – To expect with confidence. Belief that you can depend on another
and allowing yourself to be vulnerable.

Yes, trust is tricky but so worth the risk. “An ocean of possibility” could be yours!

This week what can you trust? What possibilities await if you do?


Tamara and January are here each Monday to help set the mood for the week!

Tamara Magnitsky

Tamara Magnitsky, a child of the wild blue yonder,
has been an ardent student and advocate for poetry, photography and excellence in general.
She is the mother of a 6 year old daughter and a beloved wife.
She can be found most days.

Bio written by Cary Brosius ~Tamara’s husband  🙂


January Handl

January Handl is first and always a mother, has been a preschool teacher and parent educator for 25 years. She is currently the Director/head teacher at Gazebo Park School, and lives at Esalen Institute in Big Sur. She lives simply in awe of existence.

She calls her photo “hot tub bliss”  🙂

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