Moxie is yours for the taking… with it, where will you go?!!

"Moxie Girl" by Tamara Magnitsky
“Moxie Girl” by Tamara Magnitsky

This week, my dear friend Tamara, shares a photo of her wonderful moxie-full girl, Natasha. She tells me, “Where else do I see Moxie? No where in my day to day life…”

I wonder…

January has a different take:

I am so proud of you
by January Handl


What courage it takes

to come to these bodies-

What focused willingness

to pass into birth

to the unknowing and unexpected

twists and turns,

intersections and connections,

mountains and valleys

that we travel to

become ourselves.


What heroism it takes to

begin again and again

to wrestle with desire and addiction

fear and frustrations

mistakes, mishaps and woundings,

to face ourselves each day

to reach out toward another

to dare to hold goals and dreams

dear to our hearts,



What kind of trust and bravery it takes

to then let it all go

let it all go

let it all go

and turn toward the great mystery

of death


As a wave in the ocean

rides its great journey

across the vast expanses

to crash upon the shore,

and return to the source

from which it has never

been separate,

we are each

mighty heroes

on our way home.


I’m with January on this one! Living takes moxie! And we all have it!

MOXIE – The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage; vigor; verve; pep.

Perhaps our moxie is a little dormant or out of practice but this doesn’t mean you don’t have it. As January tells us, it is heroism to face ourselves, to begin again, to dare to hold goals and dreams. Don’t sell yourself short. Moxie is in you.

This week our bliss initiative is to get in touch with our own brand of moxie. We’ll tip toe in where needed and jump in wildly when warranted. We will celebrate our courage and cheer each other on!

Moxie is yours for the taking…  with it, where will you go?!!


Tamara and January are here each Monday to help set the mood for the week!

Tamara Magnitsky

Tamara Magnitsky, a child of the wild blue yonder,
has been an ardent student and advocate for poetry, photography and excellence in general.
She is the mother of a 6 year old daughter and a beloved wife.
She can be found most days.

Bio written by Cary Brosius ~Tamara’s husband  🙂


January Handl

January Handl is first and always a mother, has been a preschool teacher and parent educator for 25 years. She is currently the Director/head teacher at Gazebo Park School, and lives at Esalen Institute in Big Sur. She lives simply in awe of existence.

She calls her photo “hot tub bliss”  🙂

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