Let Your Light Shine!

Linda Adsetts and The Group are here with their weekly Go for the Joy message. Enjoy!

I heard a story, from a grandmother, about her granddaughter at a dance class. This little girl was being a little girl full of her self, full of moxie you might say. The dance teacher decided to give her a time out and she wasn’t allowed to participate in the dance that night. This darling little girl declared to the whole class, that she was far too important to be left out. That is moxie!

Grandma didn’t think so and neither did the teacher. I heard the story and applauded her sense of self. I wish that at that young age I had that kind of confidence. I was taught that children are seen and not heard.

Unfortunately, I carried some of that forward in the raising of my sons and fortunately when they were in their teens I began to see the world differently.

I recognized where I had caused them to be smaller in areas when there was no need for it. I have given my apologies to both of them. They have managed to become wonderful adults, but I still see hints of smallness in some places and I have the opportunity to coach them into something bigger for themselves.

It is the least I can do.

I have decided children are meant to be seen and to be heard. They can offer a refreshing viewpoint of life that can clear the clutter of our adult minds and give us something else to consider. We are meant to be more than we allow ourselves and the young children in our lives can show us exactly that! Moxie is pretty darn cool!

We have always been advocates of playing larger, shining your light bigger and when you give yourself permission to do that then you will find yourselves doing things you have never done before. Go out and ask for what you want-you might find that the answer is yes. Refuse to sit in a no possibility world. Be the change you want to see and be the light for others. Let your children know that it is absolutely fine to be full of themselves- though they might have to wait their turn in class.

Having moxie is also about timing and you can feel that for yourself if you allow it to be felt. When the timing is right moxie goes a very long way. When the timing is off, you will can yourself in a rather uncomfortable spot. Follow the energy dear ones and you will always be stepping in the right direction.

You might want to ask the question of your young ones-what does the energy feel like right now? Is the energy saying come this way or is it saying wait a moment or two or a day or two? They are so tuned in and just need to pay a little attention, to foster the wonderful tuning device that they are, to the channel that will benefit them.

And dear ones, you have the same capability-you just forgot and because you may have forgotten, please don’t cause your young ones in forgetfulness. You need them in all their magnificence, as do we!

Each and every one of you are magnificent beings of love and light-full of moxie and joy!

Go For The Joy
The Group


Linda Adsetts is a  healer, medium, psychic reader, channeller and writer. She receives channelled guidance and inspiration from The Group, a gathering of spirit who teach that our souls’ path is best expressed when we come from a place of joy. You can read how Linda got started down this fascinating path here and on her website where she shares daily messages from The Group.

Join her each Friday on Bliss Habits for an inspiring take on each of the habits.


3 thoughts on “Let Your Light Shine!

  1. Hi Linda,
    wouldn’t it be nice if we had grown up being able let our light shine!

    It seems sad that their is so much potential that has been suppressed because of the fears of the adults around.
    Since most (probably all of us) didn’t grow up that way, maybe we can allow the little girl/boy inside to do that now.

    Your post has reached me at the perfect time, since I am processing unresolved feeling related to this.

    Thank you so much for sharing your insights.
    Love and Light

    • Hi Yorinda,
      I am happy that this message found you at just the right time. Remember that you are always more than enough, no matter what you might have been told!
      Go For Your Joy!

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