Immersed In Joy

Living Bliss Under An Angel Sky

Lost in watching a TV show Saturday night, I looked away to the real world only to find myself immersed in kitty heaven.

The cats were curled up around me, snoring away with vision of sugar plum grins on their faces.

Pure zen.

Not much else to do but deeply inhale the Joy.


Kitty Bliss


The moment brought back memories of my first real experience of Joy.

Strolling across the lawn at a local park with my niece and nephew, I felt as if I had walked into a sea of Joy.

The feeling wasn’t coming from inside, I was inside the feeling.

There was no separation, no edge, no container to define where Joy was or sourced from.


That moment on the lawn is when my entire perceptions about Joy began to change.

Joy isn’t something we do or have or find.

Joy is who we are and always will be.

As too are Love and Freedom.

They are an energy and consciousness that Life is made of.


Joy is so fundamental to our being we don’t notice it.

We tend to put on auto-pilot or forget about things that seem everyday normal.

Like forgetting sunglasses pushed on the top of our heads.


Feeling Joy then, is tapping into a part of what’s already there.

From the outside it looks like we did something, or had something that brought Joy.

What I see is Joy was there all along waiting to be noticed again.

To become not normal for a moment.


What difference does this make you might wonder.

Huge I like to think.


If Joy is something you are, then you can never be without Joy.

You don’t have to feel Joy to know Joy is in the room, in your heart, in your entire being.

You can stop chasing, stop searching for something to make you feel that way.

You can stop trying to get that feeling back again.


The shift in awareness opens you to feeling Joy all over – because it is. As are you.

You begin to see how everything is intertwined and a part of each other rather than separate.


Finding myself in kitty heaven pretty much every day reminds me there is so much more to Life than first appearances.

And I am so much more than first appearances too.



Wednesdays are your personal invitation to look into the everyday, as well as the philosophical, in order to see where we’re already Living Bliss. As the Life we seek becomes part of our normal day-to-day, we can easily forget we’ve found ourselves as we work, live and play.


Lorraine Watson Follow Your Light

Blissed by cats, potatoes and clouds, Lorraine is a “curious left-brained creative big picture idea” type who never stops questioning or connecting the dots to make possibilities come true. Lorraine’s deepest wish is for you to be full out yourself in everything you do – a life truly lived in bliss. You can also join her weekly look into the messiness of finding yourself in the everyday with Letters From Home.



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