As a kid, arriving home from the annual shopping trip for school clothes was filled with excitement.
I would dig through all the bags to find the box holding the new runners. They couldn’t get laced and put on fast enough.
Back and forth across the house I ran, faster with each pass as the shoes carried me like the wind. An Olympic champion was in the making.
A few passes later reality sunk in. Loping is about as fast as I’d ever get.
Then there were the last few weeks before school started. They were filled with thoughts on how the coming year would be different.
I would be different.
First days of junior high, high school and university were all perfect times to be a new me.
I even took courses my sister loved and did well in, only to fail miserably and be bored.
Best laid plans flew out the window before stepping on the school grounds.
Resignation set in –
Same old me again.
Graduation brought renewed opportunity!
What better time to change than with first full time job and no expectations other than I knew nothing – a clean slate of adulthood.
I wheedled my way into the cool crowd. Not a kid anymore (HA!), the facade was kept up longer than ever before.
This could work!
But I knew.
From the outside I looked on the inside, although from the inside I was still on the periphery and never truly one of them.
So back to same old me again.
Except I always felt better being me, even through kicking myself at failing once again.
Only more than a decade later did I clue in to how much I was really succeeding.
The more I let myself shine through, the more direct the path became in what I wanted to do, and the less I wanted to have.
Doing things and having things in order to be some-thing, led me further away towards who I’m not.
(Backtracking isn’t always the most fun either.)
Begin with being.
Begin with being full of yourself in everything you do and express who you are all over.
Know yourself first and understand who you really are.
You’re already showing up all over because you can’t help yourself.
The bliss full life you seek begins with you being you.
Wednesdays are your personal invitation to look into the everyday, as well as the philosophical, in order to see where we’re already Living Bliss. As the Life we seek becomes part of our normal day-to-day, we can easily forget we’ve found ourselves as we work, live and play.
Blissed by cats, potatoes and clouds, Lorraine is a “curious left-brained creative big picture idea” type who never stops questioning or connecting the dots to make possibilities come true. She uses her knack for combining intuitive abilities and logic to help you hear the inner whispers “there’s something more” and re-ignite what Lights you up. Lorraine’s deepest wish is for you to be full of yourself in everything you do – a life truly lived in bliss. You can also join her weekly look into the everyday with Letters From Home.