What energy, space and contribution can you be today?

Linda Adsetts and The Group are here with their weekly Go for the Joy message. Enjoy!

Windows of Wasted Time by Rani Primmer

“Your very magnificent being of light and love is a present upon planet earth that also benefits all of the universes. Your very being contributes to life, to everyone and every being that surrounds in any given moment.

Sometimes your presence is small and contained as you allow for events to unfold and sometimes it blossoms larger and larger in order to be the contribution that is needed in a moment.”

As you can see The Group wanted in on this right at the beginning of this! It may be because I was musing upon the events of the past weekend, where I worked an RV show in Sacramento.

I met some amazing people and beings. Each day I would begin by asking myself this. “What energy, space and consciousness can I be today, in order to contribute in a meaningful way?”

At the show I considered myself a Roadtrek ambassador. In truth I was an ambassador of dreams. People go to an RV show to dream. Where would they travel with an RV? What adventures might they have? Who would they be on the road?

I loved to bring those dreams out into the open. I would ask them where they wanted to go and what adventures they imagined themselves having. I never answered an Roadtrek question until they asked and they always asked. It became a dance. Tell me about your dreams and answer a question.

In the midst of the retired and retiring couples, the young families and the young men, a father appeared with a child in a wheelchair. The boy was severely disabled. I went over to say hello and the father told me his story. Usually, no one talked to Johnny. People averted their eyes. He offered his thanks to me for acknowledging him.

His son, who was fourteen, had contracted meningitis at age three and was blind. He had seizures daily which had left him brain damaged. His father quit work two years ago to look after him.

Johnny had recently woken up at the show and seemed disoriented and restless as I talked to him and his father. I placed my hand on his chest and said to him “You decided to stay. How very brave you are. What a wonderful job you have done. You and your father must have a contract. Congratulations. You are doing really well.” I stroked his face and told him how nice it was to meet him.

With those words his breathing and his being quieted. I looked at his father who had tears in his eyes. “Thank you” he said.

With a few more words he and Johnny departed. Their story was that he wanted to take Johnny on a road trip across the country, on an adventure and the unspoken question hung there. How much time do we have, before we can’t do this?

We are all given a finite amount of days in our lives. We don’t know the number. All we have is the present moment and our presence in that moment.

What energy, space and contribution can you be today?

“And dear ones, that is a question to ask yourself. Are you willing to be anything in a moment? Are you willing to follow the energy into a story, be a part of a story? Will you allow yourself to be who you be without reserve or regard for what people might think?

You are the ones creating life on planet earth and your very being is a contribution to it. You get to choose where you will allow yourself to be vulnerable and in that moment be the gift that you are.

You get to choose, but oh the stories that unfold when you allow yourself to just be who you be!

You truly are amazing beings of light and love, magnificent beings of light and love-each and every one of you! Now what will your day look like and who will you be?”

Go For The Joy
Linda and The Group



Linda Adsetts is a  healer, medium, psychic reader, channeller and writer. She receives channelled guidance and inspiration from The Group, a gathering of spirit who teach that our souls’ path is best expressed when we come from a place of joy. You can read how Linda got started down this fascinating path here and on her website where she shares daily messages from The Group.

Join her each Friday on Bliss Habits for an inspiring take on each of the habits.


2 thoughts on “What energy, space and contribution can you be today?

  1. Thank you Linda for sharing such an uplifting and inspirational story. What a beautiful reminder to stay open and allow that joyful space to connect everywhere we go. You never know what miracle is waiting around the corner – that moment when you and another can connect on a soul level.

    • Thank you Karen-I am glad to be the reminder for you and everyone. It takes so little sometimes to be the change. I am pretty sure you already know that 🙂

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