Welcome to the Bliss Habits Open House! Come right in and introduce yourself!

It is community week here at Bliss Habits! What a perfect time of year for this sort of thing!

So this is what I imagine things look like. My daughter and I have decked things out in the full holiday spirit, my Sweetie is standing by ready to pour you some mulled cider or other beverage of your choice. The red and green napkins are laid out, a little Christmas music is playing in the back ground.

You come in, Christmas smells of cookies and pine greet your nose as I offer to take your coat. You look around, there are a few familiar faces but several more folks that you haven’t yet met. Everyone is happily milling about  introducing each other. Even though you haven’t met everyone yet, you can tell this is your kind of place. You feel at home, and you know you are going to have a good time.

The conversation is easy and interesting. You share holiday stories, your crafty ideas, good recipes, opinions, plans for New Year’s resolutions, or not!  Hopes and dreams are met with encouraging ears and you feel understood and appreciated. Jokes are told, laughter rings out. Cards are exchanged and plans are made.

By the time you are ready to leave you have met four or five people you will be seeing again. You have too much in common not to be friends. You walk away wondering how it was that you hadn’t met before.

Share yourself with us!

If it were possible to teleport you all here for just this kind of event you can bet I would do so! However, since we are able to do so virtually I am opening the doors of Bliss Habits to for YOU to share yourself with us! This is how it will work, At the bottom of my posts this week I will include a meet and greet linky.  I encourage everyone to say hello and hook up a photo or link to a blog or etsy shop if you have one. I’ll start things off with a photo of me and my Sweetie as an example, but really you are welcome to share what ever you like!

Consider the linky (below) your handshake to the group. By linking up to that you are saying, “Hello, I have joined the party!”

Of course at every party you end up talking a little more to some folks and for those of you who would like to let us know even more about you, I will be collecting short biographies to share and putting those introductions in upcoming posts during the week. To give you an idea of what I am looking for, here are a couple of ideas:

  • Tell us what makes you jump out of bed in the morning
  • Tell us something you are most proud of
  • Tell us about your family or best friend
  • Tell us a crazy dream you are working on
  • Tell us about your blog, etsy shop, the book you are writing, painting you are painting, company you are building
  • Tell us your name tell where we can find you on twitter, facebook or google+ website
  • Tell us anything fun and random you’d like us to know!

Keep your story short, a maximum of 200 words please, so we can make room for everyone! Do include a photo, of yourself, of your kids, of your favorite painting, of your artwork… something that tells us about you! Here is an example for you:



My name is Kathy. This is a picture of me and my daughter, this photo is a year and a half old now, but it is still my favorite of us together. I came late to the game of parenting, I had her at age 43, Being a mommy has been the single best thing that has ever happened to me and I have my darling Sweetie to thank for convincing me it was a good idea to try having a child. Rob has also promised to “Woo and Wow” me for life. I am a lucky woman.

I am a Christmas fanatic and once decorated my home with five Christmas trees. I have walked across 40 feet of hot coals in my bare feet, skydived, done a 10 day silent meditation retreat and have visited all but three of the United States (North Dakota, Alaska and New Mexico.)

I have a blog called Bliss Habits where I do my best to cultivate and spread delight! I also have a Facebook and Google+ pages associated with it. You can follow me on Twitter @BlissHabits.


Send YOUR introduction to me here: BlissHabits@gmail.com

If you know how to send your submission in html, that would be a great help. If not, any format in an email will work fine. Just be sure to include the links to anything you want to share and attach the photo!

The first post of introductions will happen on Thursday. Submissions for that edition should be to me by Wednesday afternoon. I will accept submissions through Friday for the weekend edition of the meet and greet. Of course, no need to wait until then to say hello!

Link up now to let us know you have joined the party!


Thank you so much for stopping by the Open House! I do hope you’ll stay a while and introduce yourself! After, linking up here you are invited to join us over on the facebook page where more community fun and games are getting underway! See you there!

6 thoughts on “Welcome to the Bliss Habits Open House! Come right in and introduce yourself!

  1. The Linky thing booted me out before I could answer the questions! But I came back 🙂

    * Tell us what makes you jump out of bed in the morning: my first client calling, the smell of coffee and/or a kiss from my husband!
    * Tell us something you are most proud of: Starting my business, Deva Coaching, over 10 years ago and running a 1/2 marathon in 1998.
    * Tell us about your family: my family is amazing and supportive and I wish they lived closer! I grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba (centre of Canada) which is where they still live while I moved out to Vancouver, BC 20 years ago.
    * Tell us a crazy dream you are working on: I’d love to take a year off to write!
    Tell us about your blog, etsy shop, the book you are writing, painting you are painting, company you are building
    * Tell us your name tell where we can find you on twitter, facebook or google+ website: You can find me at http://devacoaching.com and Twitter, @SandiAmorim my two favourite places on the web!
    * Tell us anything fun and random you’d like us to know: I’m a bookworm, chocaholic with a gypsy soul 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      OOPS! The linky only holds 100 characters. Sandi the questions were for the “more in depth” bios which I am planning to post on Thursday but I actually like that you put them here! Would you like me to go ahead and put your answers together with a picture for my Thursday shareapoloza or would you like to craft something specific for that?

    • Looks like a darn fine group of people at the party already!
      1. What makes ME jump out of bed every morning? Knowing there is someone I am going to connect w/that I will get to hug.
      2. Most proud of? I have to say, from this year, my hugging project. Hugging someone new everyday for 365 days, and never missing a day.
      3. my family? We grew up in Port Alberni, my dad was a logger and my mum worked in a group home. they lived there for so many years…until my dad passed away in 2000 when my mum moved to Vancouver. They are awesome and amazing and my nephews are the lights of all of our lives.
      4. A crazy dream? Writing 2 books!! eek
      5. My blog? My name is Rita. You can find me on Twitter – @LolaSpeaking and my blog – http://cinderitaadventures.blogspot.com/
      6. fun and random? I’m awesome and I love to hug people! https://www.facebook.com/pages/2011-The-Year-of-Hugging-Fearlessly/202367986458316

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