The Origin of Hapfull – “the best rejuvenating tonic there ever could be”

If you follow the Bliss Habits blog, you know that I start each week by introducing our topic and provide some inspiration (usually via January Handl’s poetry and Tamara Magnitsky’s gorgeous photos — as seen here) but I am shaking things up this week because it seems enormously fitting to set the week’s -heck the month’s! tone with how this whole hapfull thing got started! To do so I am bringing back our friend Jackie Walker (you may also remember her two previous guest posts The Art of Self Romance and Just because you can…)

“Absolute Joy” via Maia Waye

So please do take it away Jackie!


Have you noticed, maybe felt, how different things are these days? Especially when we compare them to those only a few short years ago? I’m sure I’m not the only one who has experienced massive shifts, I hear other folk all the time talking about change, hope, and a different and deeper peace. I see it around me, in faces, in flowers, in raindrops (I live in Scotland lol). I see it in music, art, writing. I see it in the old and the young.

At the beginning of May, Star Wars day to be precise, (May the 4th), I was on my way to a wedding in the south of England with my good friend Tom Evans. We were talking about his latest book The Zone, and as we drove past Stonehenge, we agreed that I would write one of the accompanying books and I chose The Happy Zone. Of course 🙂

It should have been quick and easy to write, we’d already plotted most of it after all! But no, if something isn’t flowing, it’s because something’s missing. And so, I waited. While I waited I did some research, looking for acronyms, synonyms and any other …nyms! The word hapless jumped out at me. Literally, it whacked me straight in the middle of my chest and I laughed. ‘Hello’ I said, ‘how’re you doing’? And dear old hapless said to me, ‘I’d be fine if I had an opposite number’.

As I always do when I have things to consider, I went for a walk. There’s something about being in the elements which allows clearer connection to universal energy and of course it shuts down the analytical processes.

Unhappy is the opposite of happy. Hapless must therefore be the opposite of hapfull. It stood to reason, absolutely obvious really! Hapless is wretched, dismal, misery – you’ll agree that’s a lot worse than merely unhappy, yes? And therefore hapfull had to be more than merely happy.

I almost ran home when I got it. I dialled Tom’s number, he answered. ‘Tom, Tom’ I said excitedly, ‘I know what was missing, happy isn’t enough. It’s overused. We’ve grown beyond being happy. We need something more, we need a new word, it’s hapfull’.

Adjective: Full of living life. Hapfull is more than lucky, more than happy, more than lively. This is the single word to use when describing someone who overflows with being alive.
The opposite of hapless.

“She was a hapfull soul and they couldn’t help but be attracted to her enthusiasm for life.”

Here’s the thing that I’ve become aware of, as we open ourselves more to being connected to universal energies, to our intuition, to the knowledge that there’s ever so much more to life than we as a human race once thought, then we must also expand in other ways. There are few words in the English vocabulary which can adequately describe the experiences many of us are now able to have. I hope that hapfull fills one of the gaps.

Hapfull epitomises exactly what I feel so often, rich with life, full of living, heart set to burst with my love of life itself. There is no other love like it, this kind of love is unconditional, open and independent of anyone or anything. When we are feeling hapfull it shines through us, through our eyes, it takes years off us! Truly, being hapfull is the best rejuvenating tonic there ever could be.

I feel so delighted and honoured that Bliss Habits have chosen to use hapfull for the whole of August, it was such a surprise and is total confirmation that new words are indeed needed! I’m looking forward to reading all the other posts to see how others find a way to use it.


Jackie Walker 2013Jackie Walker, The Emotional Surgery
One of Jackie’s great passions is making the esoteric accessible and down to earth. A healer first and foremost, Jackie has a whole toolbox full of modalities to ensure the changes she facilitates for her clients are lasting ones. Her down to earth, grounded approach has earned her a great reputation as an accessible guide on the paths of self-­‐development and exploration.



il_570xN.191506217Our Art today has a hapfull story as well!
This is a PIF (pay it forward) gift for you from The World Peace Prayers Team via Maia Waye
When you request this photo the World Peace Prayers Team stop what they are doing and pray for world Peace. See all the details here.

4 thoughts on “The Origin of Hapfull – “the best rejuvenating tonic there ever could be”

    • Kathy says:

      Yay!! Thank you Jackie. I just LOVE the word. I just had someone say “How I have I not heard of this word before?” Exactly my thinking!! This word was waiting to be born. I so love that you have done it for hapfull types everywhere!

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