Surprise! I’m getting (metaphorically) naked and telling you too much about me!

So yesterday I got a little naked by sharing an unplanned “this is me now” photo of myself over on the Bliss Habits Facebook Page. (You can see that here.) Today, I thought I’d “get naked” in a different way and tell you WAY TOO MUCH about me!

I’ve shared most of this information at some point before but for the fun of being more transparent, make that naked <grin>, I do so again.

I encourage you to write your own “Surprising things about me post” and then hook it up to the “Speaking of Naked” blog hop happening this weekend here at Bliss Habits! Everyone and anyone is invited to play along! If you don’t have a blog but would like to share your own list, send it along to me (along with a picture) and I’ll add yours to the mix! If you prefer to share just one or two interesting facts, feel free to do so in the comments below.

Bonus item: Here is my Kindergarten photo . Do you know which one is me?
(Answer at end of the post below *)


Without further ado here is my list:

  1. I grew up in Upstate NY. Gloversville to be specific. They used to make gloves there. I have a friend who still does.
  2. I have lived in five different states. They are New York, Massachusetts, Alabama, Missouri, California.
  3. I have visited all but three of the United States. North Dakota, Alaska and New Mexico are the ones remaining.
  4. I was an AFS exchange student and spent my year in Austria.
  5. I participated in an Austrian “talent show” where my talent was “Not Speaking German” — but I actually spoke enough to realize the MC had mixed up our pre-rehearsed interview and while I was answering the questions he asked, he was reacting as if I had answered others… the whole thing was uncomfortably odd!
  6. In college my nickname was Kathy Political and I was president of my Student Association.
  7. I was supposed to go in the Peace Corps after college but was “medically disqualified” when a jaw tumor was discovered in my pre-departure medical exam. I like to say the Peace Corps saved my life. As a result of early detection the tumor was removed and I have led a completely normal (at least physically!) life. I still get sad that I didn’t get to go as planned.
  8. In my 30s, I played host mother to a 17 year old AFS exchange student from Panama. Helena called me Mom and she still sends me mother’s day cards and remembers all birthday’s and holidays. As of 2/9/13 I am host grandma to Daniel Issac! 🙂
  9. I never liked or drank any coffee until a boyfriend bought me a coffee grinder and coffee maker when I was thirty. From that tentative introduction I’ve reached addict proportions… two cups a day minimum every morning and many days I’ll also have an afternoon latte. Recently I gave it up for over a month, to see how that would make me feel,  but as of this week I’ve been lured back. That first sip in the morning…. hmmmm.
  10. I have walked across 40 feet of hot coals in my bare feet.
  11. I have completed a 10 day silent Vipassana meditation retreat.
  12. I once swam (most briefly) in the 38 degree (Fahrenheit) ocean off the coast of Wales.
  13. My family and close friends from back east call me Kaki (pronounced Khaki). I was given this name more then 16 years ago by my niece Sage who at the age of three told me “I know your name is Kathy but Kaki is SOOO much better!” She also was appalled at 4 when it seemed I did not know how to correctly spell my name. I had been spelling it like the pant’s color but was informed that “It is K-A-K-I, don’t you know anything?”
  14. I once drove 24 hours straight with the top down in my convertible to attend a friend’s wedding and then after one night’s sleep drove 24 hours back to be at work on time Monday morning.
  15. I once shopped for the town I wanted to live in… and landed in Hastings-on-the-Hudson for 6 wonderful years.
  16. I rented the VFW hall and threw a town warming party when I wanted to announce I had found my home. Hundreds of new “Neighbors” attended!
  17. I met my husband via Craig’s List where I posted an ad looking for someone to “WOO and WOW me forever.” So far so good!
  18. One time when we were dating Rob had me meet him at the Airport with a bathing suit and a dress — he took me to Maui for 5 days and now we can’t stay away.
  19. I was 44 when my daughter was born. She is six now (2013-do the math if you want!) I realize my friends know this fact but a couple of readers have recently asked “just how late to the game of parenting are you?” LOL
  20. I can triple roll and tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.
  21. I am still friends with Kate who I first met when I was under two years old as well as numerous elementary school buddies and I am really happy to have facebook to stay in touch.
  22. I am convinced I have at least one great invention in me.
  23. Living in California has made me soft… I don’t want to live where it gets to be minus 0 degrees — wind chill or no wind chill!
  24. Becoming Kathy Sprinkle is the best development of my life! (Read all about my transition from Kathy Funke to Kathy Sprinkle here)
  25. I think Itsy bitsy spider is a great metaphor for life…Never give up! YAY SPIDER!

And just because I am already sharing WAY too much, I thought I’d throw in one of my personal philosophies:

I have divided all of humanity into 3 groups.

  • First there are the ARCHITECTS – they cause change on the planet. The greats of humanity fall into this category.
  • Then there are ARCHIVISTS – these folks pay attention and can use what the architects make and build upon it. Many scientists would fall into this category.
  • And finally the biggest group of all, which the other two need in order to play their roles is TOURIST — here on planet earth for some textural experience.
  • Lull me with a good glass of wine or a glass of 25 year old scotch some warm Adirondack evening and I’d be delighted to tell you stories about frustrated archivists and architects and why being a tourist isn’t as demeaning as it may sound
  • I consider myself a TOURIST [although my one great invention could vault me into ARCHITECT land ;)]

Now it’s your turn! If you aren’t up for writing a whole post about yourself to share on Saturday, please do share one surprising or interesting thing about YOU in the comments below! I would love to get to know you better and I’m sure our other readers do too!


* I’m the one in the gold tights. At that age I always wore tights, a white shirt and some type of jumper.


10 thoughts on “Surprise! I’m getting (metaphorically) naked and telling you too much about me!

  1. How fun this was!!! I really enjoyed learning more about you. 🙂 Hmmmm…one interesting tidbit about me….I was published in Seventeen magazine (when I went to college) with a small piece called “A Tip or Two About Waitressing. I got paid maybe $30 and had to have my parents sign a release or something. I was so excited – I was the only student in my magazine writing class to have a piece accepted for publication! I still have my original copy of the article. 🙂

  2. Wow!! That’s a lot of things going down!! I won’t be writing a post on Saturday, as I am heading to celebrate my Grandfathers. 100th birthday. I can say that as a youngster after having ridden a horse at my grandfathers, and being thrown from the horse breaking my arm, the next day I was out throwing 90 lb bales as we finished up the baling for the season!! I personally don’t remember that, but my grandfather brags about it!! LOL

  3. Hi Kathy,

    Awesome. So much fun here. I have traveled the world for 30 months and running. Writing these words from Pondicherry, India now.

    I am an ex-fired security guard turned world traveler. As a kid I had a horrific phobia of stray dogs; now my girlfriend and I are champions of the strays here in Pondicherry. Heading out to feed them tonight in a few minutes.

    Wow, I could go on forever. Just a few quick facts. Fun to get naked 😉

    Thanks so much for sharing Kathy, you live such an inspiring life.


  4. Kathy, you surprised me and I am happy that you did because reading your “naked” info about your self… reminded me that I do have many as well, probably twice as you since you were born when I start to work and get paid as an adult 🙂

    I was amazed to read all your amazing events in your life… I could match some including the “I have completed a 10 day silent Vipassana meditation retreat.” that was a hard one for me since I cannot stop talking haha 🙂

    You are a wonderful person and I can understand why you still friends with so many of your early years, even before kindergarten… what I can sense, even so I only know you from the articles and comments… is that you are a wonderful person to be with and your “WOO and WOW me forever.” great guy who know better that NOT making you happy since you are so terrific 🙂

    Thanks for being “naked” Kaki 🙂

  5. Hello Kathy….You have wonderful list here…..I suppose the thing about me that I feel is the largest part of my life that the fewest people know about, would be that I am an alcoholic and will be celebrating 22 years sobriety this coming January….Thank you for helping me be a little (Metaphorically) Naked ….Smokey

  6. I love the getting naked theme :). Cool facts about you! Are you serious about #20?? And Craig’s List is a really interesting place to meet your husband! I’ve shared some facts about myself on my about page, so I won’t write a post about them . . . one that’s not on my about page is that I’m also a coffee addict and I even quit for 2 years! I started drinking it again this past January. I drink organic, fair trade coffee that I grind, so I view it as pretty darn OK :).

  7. Hmmm… I can write with both hands simultaneously, one mirror image to the other. How’s that for starters? LOL

    This is an interesting thread, and I’m looking forward to reading more of the posts.


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