Serenity can be found in the most unlikely of places

Leap painting by Roz (click image for details)

You’ve heard that saying before,

“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm.”

I finally get it!

Last night Rob and I took our girl over to a local pizza place that has a fun indoor climbing structure for kids. It is a fun thing for all of us because she is free to get up and run from the table as she wishes, and unlike most dining out experiences in which we are constantly managing that she sit still or at least be somewhat quiet, we could just sit there and enjoy each other’s company. The place is loud, as you might expect with dozens of kids running and screaming about, football playing on the large screen televisions and end of year team celebrations happening all around but oddly enough there was a kind of serenity in the experience.

I appreciated not having to cajole my daughter into compliance. I liked the opportunity to sit and chat with my husband. It was fun having pizza, a beer and no agenda. So much so, we were there nearly three hours!

Now if you had asked me earlier in the day if I would have been able to find serenity in such a loud and bustling place, I would have told you you were crazy. My vision of serenity usually includes complete quiet, or calm and inviting nature noises, at dawn by myself or in a quiet nook of a park or Japanese garden somewhere. But I get it now. Serenity is a state of mind not a location.

Sure, serenity can be encouraged by quiet and inviting places but even more important is the state of mind. When I am out to eat at other, less four year old friendly places I am not always able to relax. Even when the girl is behaving “properly” there is always a part of me on guard for what may happen. Serenity was mine last night because I was free to let things go. I did not have to manage anything. I had the freedom to be and in that freedom serenity was mine for the enjoying.

So, as we start off this holiday week (Thanksgiving week here in the USA) a time not generally known for its calm and quiet serenity, I invite you to find the times and places where you can completely relax and give up your usual agendas. Watching a football game, making an apple pie, bantering with siblings, going for a walk… can all be pure delight if they are not a means to an end.

Even among all the hustle and bustle Serenity is waiting, peace amid the storm!

Will you take some for your enjoyment today?


The winner of of the ebook Whimsy for Wendys Bliss Habits Contest  is randomly selected, lucky number six who happens to be: Rachel Papworth! Regular readers of this blog may remember Rachel as the gal who alphabetizes her spices!  Congratulations Rachel!

If you didn’t win, you can still have your very own copy of the awesome ebook by going here. Read how Jennie Mustafa-Julock (alias: The Audacity Coach)  came to be a part of the project in What is your Whimsy?



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3 thoughts on “Serenity can be found in the most unlikely of places

  1. Ah…beautiful. I can just hear the noise of the place, feel myself getting tense, but then reminding myself that serenity is as close as my breath.

    Thank you for the reminder – and glad everyone had a great time!

  2. Michelle says:

    There is a famous prayer that starts out “God grant me the serenity”, I think it is a divine gift granted through grace when I am aware of my spiritual wealth. When I eat the way my integrity suggests, when I spend time in meditation & prayer, when I am present to the moment and experience the love that so gallantly heals my soul. When I share a pure moment with my dog, present to his gigantic spirit. When I let go of judgment, of myself and other. When I allow myself to have no expectations or attachments to outcomes. And when I am by myself, on a two-lane highway, riding my motorcycle, with my dog, with nothing to rush to. Essentially, when I am spiritually fit however that looks for me in any given period of time, living my truth.

  3. I am so sorry I missed Whimsies for Wendy – it looks like an amazing title! Congrats to your lucky winner. I don’t find it too surprising that you found serenity in an otherwise noisy place. I think you can find it anywhere – it’s as if you can tune the whole world out while in your own personal bliss.

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