Savoring more often playful delights and wonders

WONDER… In December I turn forty. As I’ve been sailing along during this year leading up to the big birthday, I have noticed myself turning to and savoring more often playful delights and wonders. It occurred to me just lately while watching a tiny katydid hop along the leaves of a Japanese maple in our garden, that I feel a very strong connection to a sense of child-like wonder about life, living and the things around me. I was very excited to see that katydid. Seeing it hop around made me want to hop around too. And I did, for a moment!

This wondrous little katydid set me to thinking about all the thrilling things that can be seen or happen during a day’s time. Here’s a sampling of wonders highly recommended for grown ups, and children alike, to observe and partake in…

*Morning sun making rainbows on the wall through a sun catcher in a window

*Bubbles on the surface of a cup of hot tea freshly poured

*How great are teeth for chomping into an apple?! Amazing things, teeth. And said apple, what a little wonder–from tiny seed, to tree, to fruit to eat!

*Clouds–they seem like whispers, but they speak so much, all the time, and very fast!

*Glue, paper, scissors–no end of fun playing with these (be careful still with those scissors, please–no running with the scissors!)

*Walking or running barefoot in the grass is a balm for the inner-child

*Colors–there are so many colors everywhere…ranges of different hues and shades

*Sing a song spontaneously–and dance along with the song too!

*Read under a blanket with a flashlight–for old time’s sake

*Never underestimating the good temporary cure-all that is chocolate

Maybe this growing older lark won’t be so bad… as long as I keep my child-at-heart alive and well and noticing the abundance of wonders in life.

What wonders have you noticed or experienced today?





Tracy is an an artist exploring the path where creativity & spirit meet. She is currently engaged in art/painting, fiber arts, writing and photography. Her blog, A Life of Joy, is a place for creative living & everyday celebrations.

3 thoughts on “Savoring more often playful delights and wonders

  1. You’re getting ready to enter my decade! It’s a nice place. I love this post. As the years go by, I find my inner child guiding me more and more. What a revelation! Maybe as a child, we are our most true selves and it takes a while to get back again. And our inner child always finds joy in the simplest of things.

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