Richer and more delicious for having you here!

Community by Tamara Magnitsky
Community by Tamara Magnitsky

Ah, community!

COMMUNITY – Sharing, participation, and fellowship.

Truly makes the world go round doesn’t it?!

Cary with Killer GirlsTamara shares a peek into her daughter’s school community and hubby joining in the fun in the photo above and then again her hubby is having the same sort of fun in a newly formed community of the moment while on vacation. Different spaces, same scene! Makes it pretty clear community is derived from who we are being. 3000 miles apart in location and Tamara’s husband enjoys the same playful delights.

Who we get to be is determined in equal part by who we are and by the community we keep. Below January honors the women who have helped her through the years become the mother she is and to nurture the child she celebrates:

To my Community of Women:

from January Handl

Dear Sisters, daughters, mothers and each

of the fluid roles we play fore each other,


When we create an event together

I never have to worry if there

will be a bounty of beautiful flowers,

more food than we can ever eat,

an abundance of chocolate to savor

and chatter and talks that go deep into the night,

deep into the heart


Today you put on a wedding shower

and spiritual preparation for my daughter’s

Wedding Rites…

as many of you helped me- long ago,

design and hold

her rite of woman -hood on her 16th birthday,

acknowledging the long passage way

of life,

the stages and stones upon the miles

marking the reflection of each other’s journeys.


We have borne witness to each other’s

pain and joys,

growth and stillness,

fears and triumphs,

births and



We have provided soft hugs,

side-splitting laughter,

shared tears,

space for every feeling

with non-judgment (well very little)

and enormous



The entire continuum of experience-

valley’s low, mountains high,

is richer, more delicious

more fearless

because you share it with me.

My gratitude goes beyond what words

can even come close to expressing,

as I lean into the encompassing embrace

where I am both the one

holding the circle and

being held

by the circle

of light and love.


Yes, equal parts you and they. All of us experiencing life richer and more delicious because of the other!

This week we celebrate community. Our roles in defining it and the gifts others share with us in it.

Thank you all, too, for taking time to be a part of the Bliss Habits community. There are many, many places on the web where you could choose to spend your time and I am honored that you have chosen to be here with us!

Outrageous joy,


Tamara and January are here each Monday to help set the mood for the week!

Tamara Magnitsky

Tamara Magnitsky, a child of the wild blue yonder,
has been an ardent student and advocate for poetry, photography and excellence in general.
She is the mother of a 6 year old daughter and a beloved wife.
She can be found most days.

Bio written by Cary Brosius ~Tamara’s husband  🙂


January Handl

January Handl is first and always a mother, has been a preschool teacher and parent educator for 25 years. She is currently the Director/head teacher at Gazebo Park School, and lives at Esalen Institute in Big Sur. She lives simply in awe of existence.

She calls her photo “hot tub bliss”  🙂

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