PERMISSION TO PLAY : Community : #p2play


Welcome to PERMISSION TO PLAY! For late Spring and Summer of 2013, Chel Micheline will be hosting a creative challenge (a sort of  “summer camp” for your inner child here) at Bliss Habits every Tuesday. And she’d love for you to join her.

All you have to do is this:
Once a week, every week, make the time to HAVE SOME CREATIVE FUN– something that allows you to let go, drop the inner critic for a while, and just have fun.

Every Tuesday, we’ll do a little “show-and-tell” about our creative experiments- you are welcome to leave a comment or link up to your own blog post about your adventure. (If you want to know more about PERMISSION TO PLAY, click here.)  And since today is Tuesday … here we go!

"Carnation Lily Lily Rose" by John Singer Sargent
“Carnation Lily Lily Rose” by John Singer Sargent

As its summer, all I can think about is the wild, lovely abandon that I felt as a kid when the summer rolled around.

The bright mornings when I’d burst out the front door, freshly scrubbed and breakfast-ed and ready for anything.

The slower, warm afternoons, when my friends and I would lie in a row across the grass, staring up at the clouds and catching a breath.

The late evenings, the sun going down after bedtime, and us lingering in the pinky-aqua-golden sky until our parents’ calls changed from “first call” to the more urgent tone of “you better get yourself in here now!”

I remember drinking Kool-Aid from tiny paper cups with crowns printed on them in my neighbors’ backyard. Shopping trips with my mom or grandma to the grocery store up at the corner, where I was allowed to linger by the ice-cold frozen cases and pick a special treat for dessert. Riding up and down the bike on my bright green bike for hours on end, so happy to do just that.

Leaves flapping in the summer breeze. The ice blue cold of the first swim of the summer. Windows open at night, stars sparkling through. Dark adventurous afternoons at the movies. Summer camp, with its long bus ride and myriad foreign activities such as canoeing and walking trails.

In summer, my “community” was the whole entire world around me. That was the case for all of us kids who lived on Taylor street. We had our own little wild tribe of imaginary characters, which came to life on the driveways and swingsets of every house on the block.

This week, I spent time outside, just *being* out there. Observing, listening, receiving. The world is different, my tribe has long gone from populating Taylor street to exchanging “hello’s” on Facebook, my green bike has turned into a large car with a booster seat in it, I now go outside for a breath of fresh air instead of an entire ten hours, but that community of the world around me still calls to me.

Here’s what Mary Oliver has to say about it all:

“You do not have to be good.

You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.

You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.

Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.

Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.

Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting –
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.”
― Mary Oliver

It’s never too late to join in. Simply have some creative fun and get ready to share it next Tuesday. You can leave a comment here or create a blog post over on your site and link it to Bliss Habits on Tuesdays. We’re even on Twitter: Kathy added a # to p2play to make #p2play for twitter! Share your creations there too! We are @BlissHabits (Kathy) and @GingerblueArt (Chel) if you’d like to copy us too!

Here’s a banner you can put on your blog:


the code for this badge (just copy/paste into your own blog):

<a href=””><img alt=”playchallenge” src=”” width=”200″ height=”142″ /></a>

Chel Micheline is a mixed-media artist, curator, writer, and avid gardener/reader/swimmer who lives in Southwest Florida with her husband and daughter. When Chel’s not making art or pondering the Bliss Habits, she’s blogging at (come say hi!) or posting new things in the gingerblue etsy shop.

One thought on “PERMISSION TO PLAY : Community : #p2play

  1. Hi there – just dropping bye to say hi. I seem to get traffic from your site but can’t see how they come?
    Anyway, thank you very much if you have a link, or have liked the blog!
    Wishing you a great day x

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