Our days are a confluence of choices – those we make in the moment smashing up against those we’ve made. It’s in the making of conscious, informed choices, in line with your internal compass, where you can find your passion, your vision, your perfect days. What do you need, in this moment, to make those choices confidently, from a place of safety?
Welcome to Bliss for Business! If you’re an entrepreneur, small business owner, or career-driven individual, tune in on Wednesdays to join Dani on an adventure to learn how to bring your work life in harmony with the thirteen Bliss Habits.
I tried to do Pilates this morning. I’ve been feeling off for the last few days – allergies turned into a sinus infection – so I figured Pilates would be a great step back towards normal: get my energy up and flowing, my body moving gently, with a routine I loved and was familiar with.
But something was definitely off. I could feel the energy pour out 0f me, top bottom, and sides. Draining me. And beneath it all, a hidden, quiet desire to keep it all inside, to store it up for healing or joy or something else on the horizon.
So I rolled up my mat, checked in with myself, and moved on to some less energetically-focused tasks.
Why we do the things we do
The whole she-bang got me thinking about the things we do because we think we should, or because we think we’re supposed to – in life, business, and in self-care. I could have continued with my Pilates practice this morning. Some might say I should have. It wouldn’t have harmed me – heck, it could have helped me – but something deep down inside of me said “stop”. Some part of me wanted that energy to focus elsewhere. Healing? Restoration? Something exciting that’s about to happen? Who knows?
Our days are a confluence of choices – those we make in the moment smashing up against those we’ve made. It’s easy to make choices based on what we think we should do, or what we’re expected to do: follow that lead, chase that path, check off the list. But mediocre, uninspired choices lead to dissatisfaction at best.
It’s in the making of conscious, informed choices, in line with your internal compass, where you can find your passion, your vision, your perfect days.
Listening and reflection
How often do you ignore that inner voice staying “stop”?
How often might you go along with something, because it’s not hurting anyone, and it might, just maybe bring a positive outcome, even though the whole thing makes you feel off, or icky, or ever-so-slightly out of whack?
What do you need, in this moment, to make those choices confidently, from a place of safety?
How might those choices bring about positive change in your life or business?
Dani Nelson is a geek and a hippie with a passion for helping smart, creative entrepreneurs make their businesses better. Her secret ingredients? Strategy, tenacity, tasty beverages, and two unshakable beliefs: that you (yes, you) have awesome things to share with the world, and that marketing doesn’t have to be awful.
I need to get back into the swing of things again, always makes me feel better
Isn’t it amazing what routines can do for us? 🙂