Just how will you grow?

"Growth" by Tamara Magnitsky
“Growth” by Tamara Magnitsky


After the first cell splits
by January Handl

After the first cell splits,
It never ends,
Not for a millisecond
Each motion
Each stillness
Each pain
Each rapture
Each teardrop’s release
Each laugh’s song
Acute awareness
During drowsy rest
Or dervish dance’s devotions
We are always on our way

We are always on our way

      We are always on our way

Growing toward home.


Growth – Activities that enhance quality of life, develop talents,
and increase the potential for success and happiness

We are always growing. Tamara finds a bit of evidence among the grey of New York winters. January reminds us that we are always on our way…

My question to you is which way? Is your growing deliberate or happenstance? With every breath we have a choice. This week I invite you to choose the type of growth that enhances. What could you learn? What would bring more joy? How could you expand your capabilities?

Welcome to Growth week!  Just how will you grow?


Tamara and January are here each Monday to help set the mood for the week!

Tamara Magnitsky

Tamara Magnitsky, a child of the wild blue yonder,
has been an ardent student and advocate for poetry, photography and excellence in general.
She is the mother of a 6 year old daughter and a beloved wife.
She can be found most days.

Bio written by Cary Brosius ~Tamara’s husband  🙂


January Handl

January Handl is first and always a mother, has been a preschool teacher and parent educator for 25 years. She is currently the Director/head teacher at Gazebo Park School, and lives at Esalen Institute in Big Sur. She lives simply in awe of existence.

She calls her photo “hot tub bliss”  🙂

2 thoughts on “Just how will you grow?

  1. BEAUTIFUL beginning to the week! I like the idea of growth that enhances…and choosing that! This week I’m learning some new-to-me creative/craft techniques and this grown feels very exciting!

    • Kathy says:

      Thank you Tracy! Glad you are taking on growth that enhances!! It is sure to make a great difference in your creative endeavors!!

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