I’m giving $100 to YOUR favorite charity! Who Do YOU Want Me to Give it to?

One of the primary reasons I am interested in actually making money (at some point! lol) with my Bliss Habits project, is that I want to be able to give money freely and without concern WHENEVER I want. I don’t know about you, but I run into dozens if not hundreds of deserving charities or causes every week and every time I do, rather then being able to send $100 or even $10 just because I’d like to, I am stuck calculating if I have enough money to do so.

Lets not exaggerate my situation. I’m lucky enough to be in a position to give regularly to many of my favorite causes, but when ever something new, or something bigger then my usual donations is in front of me I start to sweat a little. I tell myself, if I just cut back a little here or there, if only I don’t do this or that I could add  that donation to THAT kid’s cancer fund, or help THESE abused and homeless dogs, or give 200 people clean water to drink.

The rotten truth of the matter is, money is needed to make the difference in so many situations. Certainly, there are other ways to give however our society places a pretty high premium on cash. I am also pretty sure that I am not alone in wanting to give more then I  have so I’ve decided that I want to make it easy for one lucky reader to give randomly and “just because” to their favorite charity.

How does that sound? Are you in?



Bliss Habits Hero

This is my favorite giveaway of the whole bunch! The winner will have $100 sent to the Charity of their choosing! Just say who gets it and I send it!


How to Win:

1. In the comments below tell me what charity you’d give the money to, and provide a link so we can check them out too!

Bonus Entries:

2. In a separate comment tell me why you support this cause.

3. Share this post on Facebook. Share via the post on the Bliss Habits facebook page (extra Karma points for following Bliss Habits if you don’t already!)

4. Tweet the following:

I just entered to win $100 for my favorite charity in @BlissHabits Blogversary #apolooza  and YOU can too! http://blisshabits.com/?p=6054

Do all four and you have four chances to win!

Winner will be selected at random from all entries received by Sunday, June 3, 2012

We have a winner! Congratulations Marci and The Make A Wish foundation!

Check out the complete Blogversary-apolooza giveaway list and learn how you can double your chances!!

Good Luck!!

39 thoughts on “I’m giving $100 to YOUR favorite charity! Who Do YOU Want Me to Give it to?

  1. What a fabulous fabulous thing to do! I would highly recommend this organization:


    Here is part of their mission: Surrounded by the Catskill Mountains in the town made famous for peace and music, Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary provides shelter to cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, sheep, and goats who have been rescued from cases of abuse, neglect and abandonment.

    We are a place where visitors can come face to face with these animals who most only know as dinner and learn about the devastating effects of modern-day agribusiness on the animals, the environment and human health. Here you can frolic with goats in a large open pasture, sit down with a pig who wants nothing more than a belly rub, cuddle with chickens who seek out your attention or get nuzzled by some very friendly sheep!

    At the heart of our mission is the hands-on work of rescuing, rehabilitating and caring for farmed animal refugees — as well as educating the public about the horrific treatment of animals who are raised for food.

  2. Why do I support them? They are doing an absolutely fabulous thing – rescuing abused farm animals and letting them live the rest of their life in a safe and beautiful sanctuary. I am looking forward to visiting here sometime…they aren’t that far away!

  3. I support TWLOHA because they promote peer-to-peer support for teens who struggle with depression, substance abuse, self-injury and suicide. I wish TWLOHA had been around when I was in high school; having support from someone who’s been through what they are going through is so much more helpful than talking to an adult who has never experienced it.

    I’ll be donating 5% of what I make from my upcoming book release to TWLOHA, too!

  4. Because if we don’t take care of our planet, nothing else matters… none of us will have any place to live, to breathe, to thrive. I keep thinking of your post about the plastic bags and sea turtles… a healthy ocean is a sign of a healthy planet, and by that standard, our planet is pretty sick.

  5. Marci Holland says:

    I support Make A Wish Foundation. My little brother passed away from cancer. At the time Make A Wish was not available where we lived. I know how hard it is for a child to have a life threatining illness and how scary it can be for a child. I know how hard it is on the family and parentsemotionally and financially as medical bills are expensive. I often wish my brother and my family could have had a special family memory like what is provided by Make A Wish.

  6. Elizabeth says:

    Why St. Baldricks? They support pediatric cancer research which is a cause I am passionate about. I have known too many kids who earned angel wings, or who are living with long term side effects of the cancer and/or chemo to not want a cure ASAP. I have been the nurse taking care of the kids on the first admission, and I have been there when the dear child passed…I just want a cure.

  7. Alex says:

    I would support the Milk Bank because I believe breast milk is best for infants, but not all mothers are capable of nursing their newborns. For those who can’t, the milk bank provides this healthy start to life!

  8. I’d give it to the National Autistic Society. I love how supportive they are and how they cover so many needs, they support parents of newly diagnosed children, or those being diagnosed, they campaign for disability rights, access to education and work, they support adults with autism seeking to live independant lives, they provide information and support for all sectors of the community, educational staff, healthcare staff, anyone who needs it. They run support groups, information sessions and all kinds of necessary services for those with autism and those who need to know.


  9. I support the NAS because it affects my family and we have benefited from their support. My children are both on the spectrum as is my nephew. The NAS have provided us not only with lots of information, but with a voice. When we have questions and new issues arise, they are the first place to find out current research, what other people find helpful, or whatever else it might be.

  10. Please donate to ‘Got Your Six Campaign” : About us http://ow.ly/b8zKT

    For our military, veterans and families

    Jobs: 500,000 jobs for veterans and military spouses
    Education: Pledges from 500 college campuses to become more veteran friendly
    Health : Training for 100,000 young mental health professionals
    Housing: 10,000 chronically homeless veterans housed
    Family: Military kid tools and training for 300,000 families and 100,000 teachers
    Leadership: 1.5 million hours of volunteer service by veterans

    Thank you

  11. charlene says:

    This is the St. Vincent de Paul charity through St. Rose Catholic Church in New Lexington, Ohio. It’s a poor area of SE Ohio where I grew up. My husband’s aunts are the backbone of this charity. It’s a shop of clothes and food for people to come and get things for very little money. The area has no Goodwill shops, no 2nd hand stores or resale shops. They have St. Vincent. And St. Vincent’s has Aunt Mae and Aunt Katie. Our aunts wash clothes in their own washer, they make runs to stores who donate food, they stock the shelves, man the shop and organize the volunteers. It takes up the majority of their retirement time but I don’t think they’ll ever give it up. $100 would mean so much to so many. What a truly selfless giveaway!

  12. charlene says:

    I support St. Vincent’s because I love Aunt Mae and Aunt Katie, but also because they are doing good work in a place that has very little and can use their kind of helping!

  13. Michelle Gilstrap says:

    The Dubnoff Center for Child Development is a non-profit located in North Hollywood, CA that works with children. Each year, more than 750 children, adolescents and families are impacted by our wide-ranging programs addressing educational, vocational, residential and mental health needs. Our continuum of care for learning, emotional and behavioral disabilities is unrivaled in the San Fernando Valley.
    http://www.dubnoffcenter.org/ They are collecting money to help the kids have a prom. This is a great program that changes children’s lives.

  14. Efsun Alper says:

    I support GEMS, because they help young girls who have experienced domestic trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation in the New York State, exit the commercial sex industry and reach their full potential. Absolutely a wonderful organization.

  15. Efsun Alper says:

    You might have heard of Avery’s Bucket List. Little baby Avery died at 5 month’s fighting SMA ( spinal muscular atrophy). Although this condition is responsible for most child deaths under the age of two, there is no cure for it at the moment. They’re trying to raise money for a gene theraphy, and they’re getting very close to their goal (an anonymous donor will match the funds). I would love to get them to their goal!

  16. I choose CHERUBS because they promote research and awareness for the birth defect congenital diaphragmatic hernia. This defect affects 1 in every 2500 in the US and 50,000 children per year around the world. My son was one of 800 to survive in 2010 after being diagnosed with CDH. Unfortunately, very few have heard of this birth defect that has only a 50% survival rate once diagnosed.

  17. I am also choosing to support CHERUBS. In 2006, I was pregnant and found out that my daughter had CDH. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. We were given a less than 10% chance of survival rate. I had cried and cried some more, until I found the CHERUBS website. This was exactly what I needed and it allowed me to explore all my choices before giving birth. While my daughter did not make it, I still continue to raise awareness for CHERUBS. While CHERUBS might be small in size, they never give up.

  18. There are so many worthy charities and wonderful projects out there. I would donate to a wonderful service agency in my former community – Franklin Community Center – is a non-profit human service agency located at 10 Franklin Street in Saratoga Springs, New York. Their unique, grass-roots and non-bureaucratic approach has been empowering others in the area for nearly three decades by offering advocacy, basic necessities and services in an effort to promote healthy lifetyles and positive changes. They run many programs and a food pantry. Specifically I would want to donate to their Project Lift program – This is an after-school prevention program. Even though many people think Saratoga Springs, NY is an affluent community – there is a significant portion of needy people and families – as an educator I support providing positive education programs to help students in need. Check out the website:

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