Hope without action is a dream waiting to be born

Linda Adsetts and The Group are here with their weekly Go for the Joy message. Enjoy!

“Greater Things” by Rani Primmer


I know that some people have no hope. They cannot see beyond their present life, cannot even begin to imagine how it could change.

It happens all over the world, whether in poverty or in riches. No sector is immune. But, some people refuse to believe that there can be no hope.

Craig Kielburger was twelve years old when he read an article about a young boy on the other side of the world, that lost his life, protesting child labour. That ignited something within him and he did something about it. You can read his amazing story at The My Hero Project.

Over the years Craig has rallied tens of thousands of young people together and through his being has inspired them to know that they are not helpless because of their age. They can make a difference.

He has given hope and continues to work spreading the word of hope and our ability to offer it, act upon it and thereby creating change.

Hope is necessary but hope without action is a dream waiting to be born.

There are people all over the world, young an old, who are not in despair of conditions that exist. They act upon their heart cries and see first hand the difference that they can make. It may be as small as a single donation to a cause or as large as creating an organization. They may sign a petition or start one. They have hope.

Our voices collectively raised and focussed actions will create change. All we have to do is listen to our heart cries and choose love.

“When you begin to remember that your very being is encoded in love, every cell of you, then you will always act upon the cries of your heart.

There is no other way for you and as you be more of you, you gift others with the hope to be more of them. When you step into the love of your being, your very light grows and attracts others looking for the light of love.

The ripple effect goes far beyond your current time and space. It crosses your world and crosses the universes.

You change everything simply by being more of you-the you encoded with love.

How much easier can it get than that?

We see who your are, each and every one of you are magnificent beings of light and love-don’t wait too long to own that.”

Go For The Joy
Linda and The Group



Linda Adsetts is a  healer, medium, psychic reader, channeller and writer. She receives channelled guidance and inspiration from The Group, a gathering of spirit who teach that our souls’ path is best expressed when we come from a place of joy. You can read how Linda got started down this fascinating path here and on her website where she shares daily messages from The Group.

Join her each Friday on Bliss Habits for an inspiring take on each of the habits.


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