Here’s what I want Bliss Habits to be… what would you like to see?

Greetings from the Hiatus!

I had a vision of a meandering Hiatus in which I could dibble and dabble with the blog, try out new settings and features, write about off topic ideas etc. and then my Sweetie sprung his little surprise that we would be going on a trip to Disneyland. I realized immediately that my idea for Hiatus week was going to have to be a bit different. It looks like I will indeed be taking an actual Hiatus… stepping away entirely from the blog!

This is probably a good thing. Since I adore Disney and the sparkle in my daughter’s eye it evokes makes my heart sing, I am happy to adjust my plans! Instead of a leisurely week I will do what ever I can in three little days, one of which is already gone! (Yikes.)

We'll be enjoying the magic again soon!

OK, so what I intend for this week, is to give you a “How to use Bliss Habits” tutorial.  Why would someone need a tutorial for a blog you might ask? Well that is a good question and you probably don’t, really, but I want to share my vision for this place and explain why things are set up in the fashion they currently are. I expect, over time these things may change but for now this is what I am hoping Bliss Habits can be.

  • First and foremost I hope that Bliss Habits is a source of inspiration. If you follow along and find enjoyment in the posts I am supremely happy. Because I tackle a different topic each week, it is my hope that the ideas remain fresh and that the opportunity to delve into each of the Bliss Habits is useful if not entertaining.
  • I also want Bliss Habits to be the sort of place you think of when you want a little boost or some advice for injecting more bliss in your life. Looking for more Romance. Moxie or Creativity? We have that inspiration for you. By grouping all of my material in the headings across the top of the blog a Whimsy seeker is able to go directly to that specific topic and read all the associated posts on the topic. There is no need to sift through dozens of other things to get to the material you are interested in.
  • Develop  Bliss Habits as a vibrant and welcoming community for Bliss seekers and enthusiasts. I encourage YOUR participation and invite everyone to share their point of view, in a comment, by linking up to the Saturday Blog hops, and even with a guest post (do let me know if you would like to contribute on one of the topics!) The companion Facebook page is also place I hope all will feel comfortable sharing and delving into our Bliss Habits and sharing complimentary content and opinion.

So, does this match up with what you see? Is there something you think I have missed? What could I do/provide/offer that would encourage your participation and return visit?

I would be most grateful if you let me know in a comment or in an email (BlissHabits at Thank you!

Tomorrow,  I’ll be back with a content and feature guide.  I’ll explain some of the whys behind my site design and introduce you to all the currently available features and the future plans.

2 thoughts on “Here’s what I want Bliss Habits to be… what would you like to see?

  1. Karen B says:

    I love it as it is – I’m fairly new and still navigating my way around – but as long as you keep on challenging me, I’m happy with however you want it to be! x

  2. How cute that your hubby waited until after Surprise week to let you know of a fab trip!!! I know you’ll have lots of fun. Thanks for the update. And yes, Bliss Habits does indeed live up to what you have posted here!

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