8 things that make me happy!

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Let’s face it: Happiness is subjective. It’s measured by the amount of pleasure, engagement, and meaning in our lives. This positive emotion is an essential building block of what makes life worthwhile.

But why do we struggle so much to attain happiness? I’ll let you in on a little secret: We struggle to attain it because we look past the insignificant daily activities that encompass happiness.

We neglect to recognize the smiles these activities put on our faces, and the extra giddy-up they put in our strides

Just what are these insignificant daily activities? Well they’re subjective, too. That’s because everyone’s idea of happiness is different.

Here are a list of activities that make me happy.

Happiness Activity 1: Watch a comedy movie.

Laughter truly is the best medicine. It relieves my stress and releases my pent-up emotions. I’d rather laugh myself silly than drown in a river of tears.

Happiness Activity 2: Eat myself happy.

If my mood is low, oftentimes my blood sugar is, too. Indulging in life’s little pleasures can rewire my brain for happiness simply by enjoying a nice cup of tea or a piece of candy.

Happiness Activity 3: Go outside.
A change of scenery often changes my mood instantly. Going for a stroll in the park and absorbing vitamin D from the sun makes me happy. Watch out for little critters, though. Nothing takes happiness and turns it into disappointment faster than a bird pooping on my head.

Happiness Activity 4: Aromatherapy.

Smells transform the neurons in my brain immediately. From peppermint for perky to lavender for relaxation, I can always count on certain aromas to make me happy. They also flood my mind with memories of times gone by.

Happiness Activity 5: Listen to happy music.

The right song can elevate my mood in a heartbeat. From feeling nostalgic about the past to feeling optimistic about the future, as soon as the beat drops, I’m happy.

Happiness Activity 6: Schedule regular treats.

It’s like being a kid in a candy store. Except I’m an adult and can have a treat whenever I want. Treats always improve my mood. Planning regular treats gives me something to look forward to and subtly improves my day. My daily dose of happiness is a Coca~Cola at 3pm.

Happiness Activity 7: Doing something selfless.

It’s easy for me to get bogged down by my own problems. So every Monday I do something selfless: I volunteer at a dog shelter. These pathetic little piles of fur remind me that no matter how bad my situation is, they have it worse. But they’re not complaining so neither should I. My happiness levels soar to new heights while I’m visiting them.

Happiness Activity 8: Set a goal.

Nothing makes me happier than setting, and then, achieving a goal. Whether it’s to write my book or land my dream client, goal setting makes me take positive action towards some aspect of my life. Working to achieve these goals is the perfect mood changer. It reignites my passion for life and increases my excitement for the future.

What happiness activities change your mood?



Autumn Tompkins is the head sass-master at ink well copy. She is a skilled copywriter who creates dynamic copy that captures her clients’ expert voices and generates genuine sales, turning maybe’s into most definitely’s.



Kathy here! To answer Autumn’s question, PAINTING makes me happy. I’ve become a woman obsessed! Here is a picture of one of my latest.  I am a big fan of the painter Hundertwasser and this is my version of his famous tree!

Now, do tell us in a comment, what activities make you happy these days?


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