HUMILITY – The quality or condition of being humble; imitate Jesus and Socrates.
Welcome to the Saturday Blog Party! This week’s topic is Humility. This means we are looking for everything and anything on the topic! Tips and tools for encouraging humility, times you personally showed some or witnessed it, or times when you failed… old favorites or one of the latest posts, literally Everything and Anything on the topic are all welcome.
I’m going to start things off bydirecting you to three posts I think speak beautifully on this topic.
Check them out and add your own finds in the linky below. Remember NEW and OLD posts by you and others are welcome, just tell us when you are sharing someone else’s work!
- The Hidden Power of Humility – A terrific post from Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist. in which he shares six reasons humility has nothing to prove but has everything to offer.
- The virtuous life: Humility– From The Art of Manliness, this post is from a series on my hero Ben Franklin and explores what is meant by humility.
- The Soft Power of Humility– In a current affairs approach to the topic, Paul Pillar of The National Interest shares how Humility makes the difference in Chinese/American politics.
Here are the ground rules for this party:
- Share NEW and OLD posts on the topic. This is your chance to share your favorite posts. If they fit the topic and you think we could benefit it doesn’t matter when you wrote it. Wisdom is timeless!
- Share your’s and other’s posts! Ran across a timely tidbit? Let us hear about it too! When sharing someone else’s posts please designate this after the listing and please say submitted by using your name or blog name.
- Leave a comment after posting letting us know why you think the post is worth our time. We are building a knowledge library and your context makes it all the more valuable!
- Have Fun! I hope to make this party a fun and valuable addition to your weekend blog hopping.
Note: This link up list will stay active so feel free to add items at any time. I will likely pick a guest feature from the collection so PLEASE don’t be shy about adding your best posts! If you don’t have a blog to share, photos, ETSY collections and essays are most welcome. Let me know if you need help linking them up!
I look forward to visiting all the treasures YOU add to the collection!
Outrageous Joy,
P.S. Next week we will be “Speaking of Surprise” and looking for posts and places that will foster this Bliss Habit!
SURPRISE – A sudden feeling of wonder or astonishment; to come upon or discover suddenly and unexpectedly.