23 Romantic Gestures to add to your repertoire on Valentine’s or any day!

"You said you didn't want any" by Nidhi Chanani (click image for details)

Every year, as Valentine’s Day is approaching, I take a stroll around the internet to visit some of my favorite romantic blogs with the mission to find something a) fun I think my Husband and I may enjoy and b) simple. I love the idea of a grand gesture but to be perfectly honest I am not very good about following through if my planning requires much more then the 5 minutes my Sweetie is in the shower!

This list, with the exception of number 23 (which can be modified for time!) is just such a list. Everything is super easy to deliver upon and has great bang for the effort. I have road tested them all and am here to say that they never get old.

1. Write a love note on the mirror when your Sweetie is in the shower (use soap  or lipstick and it will last). A little heart with your initials (K + R in my case) will do or feel free to get more creative. Takes seconds… they will smile all day.

2. Give a warm towel to your Sweetie when they come out of the shower. My husband LOVES this one!  When he hops in the shower I throw a towel in the dryer so it is toasty warm when he is ready to come out. I snag the one he normally has hanging so he has to ask for one (in case my timing is off) so occasionally he starts off annoyed and then is rewarded with the warm treat!

3. Light a candle. Eat by candlelight, or light one even while watching television together. The mood will change from ordinary to romantic!

4. Go to a convenience store together. Take $5 or $10 each and see who can buy the other the most romantic gift… no peeking until you meet back in the car to exchange the gifts…  this is a “cheap date” lots of laughs game to play. If you have more money to spend you could play the same game at a mall with a time limit, or at a favorite store. The game can also be played virtually. Fill an amazon cart to any agreed upon amount for the other person… then swap carts and see what your Sweetie thinks is a great gift.

5. Take time for a thirty second kiss. EVERY romance week I am reminded of this tip but over time our hello and goodbye kisses evaporate to pecks on the cheek. Take the time for a thirty second kiss and watch the romance quotient skyrocket.

6. Put a love note in their pocket. Again, no need to be super elaborate. Just a little  ”XOXOXO I love you” will do the trick! Of course if you are inspired to do something more elaborate don’t let me hold you back! If you can’t think of your own consider this darling set that is ready for  the gifting! (Click image >> for details)

7. Be a kid again. Go to the park, swing and slide. If it is a hot summer day grab some water guns and have a water fight. Let your kids play too for full family fun. The key is to actually play and not to watch. I watch my four year old at the park a lot… but when we all play together it is really fun and oddly romantic!

8. Plant something together. My Sweetie and I put in a vegetable garden last year. Somehow it is very romantic to have those tomato and corn plants in common. We go out to look at them together, we work in the garden together… it is totally great. If you don’t have time for a garden, how about a pot of strawberries or try planting a tree… it can be YOUR tree whether it is in your yard or in a forest somewhere… talk about how you will come back to carve your initials in it in 20 years.

9. Look into each others eyes. When was the last time you really did this? Like the 30 second kiss, this falls by the way side for me until I remind myself!!

10. Make their favorite dinner. Oldie but a goodie… this one always pleases!

11. Send a love letter, or sappy card to your Sweetie at their office. No reason, just because. Will make them eager to come home!

12. Find the songs of your life! Go to wikepedia here and find out what the number one songs were for all your important dates and/or just surf through together and see what was hot when you were kids…. so much fun! If you don’t already have a song you might find one.

13. Explore romantic song lists and find favorites. Keep a playlist of favorites for long drives or play while doing chores together.

14. Undress each other. Take your time.

15. Set your alarm a few minutes earlier and snuggle in the morning.

16. Make a date for undisturbed conversation. In our house it is just before bed. We try to go at the same time and end the day together.

17. Learn your relationship’s shorthand. Know your important dates… wedding, meetings, births, whatever is significant to you and then send a random text with that date when you want your Sweetie to know you are thinking of them and/or those special moments. 12116 for me equals 12/11/06 our wedding day. Makes texting a quick hello very quick and fun.

18. Hold hands. Couples do a lot of this when they first start dating. Try it again. While watching television, reach out and hold hands.

19. Feed each other grapes or have a fondue picnic. Include other favorite treats and get dipping… if inclined serve champagne too!

20. Get a small token (see photo right>>) and drop it in the pocket of their jeans.  Pick up matching tokens and after the surprise you can both carry them around… every time you happen upon it you will think of your Sweetie!

21. Watch a romantic movie together. Casablanca? (My Sweetie just took me to see this on the big screen last week for our date night, it was awesome!) Picking one out might be a fun romantic escapade too!

22. Give a message. It can be elaborate full body one or how about a 10 minute foot or hand massage. Always appreciated and is often reciprocated!!

23. Write a list of 101 reasons why you love them.  Here is my list. It has been my best romance booster since I wrote it more then two years ago. Any time I am angry or perhaps even a little annoyed with my darling sweetie I can look over this list and the love comes flooding back. 101 too daunting? Start with 10 and share them! The response will likely inspire more!

Having a repertoire of easy go to romantic gestures is a must for anyone interested in keeping the romance in their relationships alive. This is my list. What would be on yours?

18 thoughts on “23 Romantic Gestures to add to your repertoire on Valentine’s or any day!

  1. When I go on the road for long periods of time (thanks, work…) my better half leaves me love notes for every day I’m gone.

    She’s amazingly sweet, and my heart races when I see these from her.

    • Kathy says:

      Brandon, thanks for stopping by to comment! I love hearing this! She sounds like a keeper! and it is so great to hear that “your heart races” when you receive them!!

  2. Great list!!! There are things on this list that I need to revisit. Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of every day, you forget the little things. 🙂 This list is a great reminder of how little things can make a big difference!

    • Kathy says:

      I am always amazed how often I forget!! Every time I look at these I am annoyed by how long it has been since I did some and then simultaneously grateful that I remember again!

  3. All these are lovely gestures of love. Hold your loved one close because some day he or she will be gone, as mine is. Charles wrote me love letters and you can see a precious one he wrote to me in my post on Love.

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