15 Actions to Kick Start Your Own Romance-Gratitude Cycle

So happy to have “the other half” of the marvelous romantic duo from Two INFPs with us today. You may recall, Chris Thomas stopped by last Romance week to share Romance in Just 3 Minutes A Day. Today his lovely partner, Laura Chanelle is with us to share some practical tips for keeping the romance alive in your home.

As part of the Blogversary-apolooza fun I’m also offering a sweet giveaway by the romantic artist Nidhi Chanani (featured in this and on Chris’s earlier post) here on the blog and another small romantic gift over on Twitter… but more about that at the end of the post. Lets get to the romance now. Take it away Laura:

"Don't go" Romantic Art by Nidhi Chanani (click image for details)


Chris and I are stuck in a never-ending cycle within our relationship. It’s a good one, luckily. One of us will surprise the other with a romantic gesture, and the other person will reciprocate out of gratitude. Because of our appreciation and willingness to make a loving effort in return, our spark remains intact.

But sometimes, it’s a challenge to keep the cycle going. Like at 6 A.M., for example…

One morning, the alarm clock ripped me awake for the third time. I forced myself to roll over and somehow found the energy to let the words out: “Are you going to get up, honey?”

Chris sleepily muttered, “Yeah…I have to. I’m going to be so late.” And with what must have taken more willpower than I could have summoned, he got out of bed.

As I laid there comfortable and exhausted, a battle raged inside my mind: would I succumb to the sleep I felt so tempted to give in to, or would I make myself get up to help Chris leave for work more quickly?

I did NOT want to get up. To be honest, at that moment I had absolutely no desire to help Chris out, but deep down I knew it was an opportunity to show my love for him. So, I stumbled out of bed and gathered together the things he needed to take to work.

When Chris wandered into his office to put his shoes on, he found his laptop already inside its case. “Thank you so much for doing that,” he told me, with a tired (but genuine) smile. I could tell he was extremely relieved to have one less thing to do, and I instantly felt glad I’d decided to make that small loving gesture.

A few days later, he surprised me with a bouquet. My heart melted. I absolutely love flowers, and I absolutely love when he shows me that he was thinking of me while he was away at work. I felt grateful too—especially since I know how badly he wants to speed home after a long day of work. Yet he chose to stop along the way.

I did something romantic in return (a massage, perhaps), which he appreciated and chose to reciprocate.

It’s a cycle that can sometimes take a determined effort to keep going, but it’s beyond worth it. It keeps the romance alive, cultivates gratitude, and makes it incredibly difficult for us to take each other for granted.

If you’d like to start a romance-gratitude cycle, here are some ideas:

1. Cook their favorite meal

2. Give a massage or scratch their back

3. Gift them a magazine subscription suited to their interests

4. Present them with an “I love you” or “thank you” card

5. Get up a little early and surprise them with a hot breakfast

6. Give them a foot rub

7. Take their car through a car wash and tidy up the inside, too

8. Present them with flowers or a thoughtful gift

9. Rent a movie they’d enjoy and have a movie night

10. Pack their favorite treat along with their work things

11. Take them on a date somewhere they’d love

12. Watch their favorite show (or their team play) with them

13. Purchase a gift card to their favorite work-day lunch spot

14. Take a moment to hug and kiss

15. Pick up some wine or champagne to enjoy together

Making the effort to display gratitude and romance has been entirely worth any of the resulting inconveniences Chris and I have encountered. As I look back on our past experiences together, most of what comes to mind are the happy moments we created by showing our love and gratitude for each other. All it’s taken to keep our cycle of romance going is the choice to actively love each other on a regular basis. After all, where’s the joy in love if you don’t do anything with it?

Laura shares writing duties with her other half, Christopher Thomas, for their blog Two INFPs. INFPs are one of Myers-Briggs personality types & are often referred to as the Romantics. Together, their mission is to inspire others to cultivate blissful, easy relationships via no-nonsense relationship advice and tips for finding an incredible partner. You can also find them on Twitter andFacebook :)




Some terrific and simple ideas to try right away. I love that! Thank you so much Laura!

And now about those giveaways:

San Francisco, California Illustration Postcard Set 

Featured twice now three times here at Bliss Habits, I am just delighted to share this unique set of postcards by artist Nidhi Chanani.
Sweet illustrations in an adorable small size, handsomely bound for easy gift giving.
The everyday love set includes these images:
Cable Car, Chinatown, Golden Gate Park, City Sounds, Shelter
See some of her other work here and here on Bliss Habits and in her ETSY shop


How to win this delightful postcard set for yourself!

1. Leave a comment about which of the 15 actions you plan to use next!

Bonus Entries:

2. Visit Two INFPs, and Nidhi Chanani on Facebook, tell me here that you did so. (Big Karma points for “liking” them and Bliss Habits too!!)

3. Stop by Laura’s Blog, Two INFPs and leave a comment  on the post: 10 Commandments for Relationship Bliss.

4. Tweet the following:

I just entered to win @nidhiart  ‘s fab SF postcard set in the @BlissHabits Blogversary #apolooza  http://bit.ly/JITVm1

Do all four and you have four chances to win!

Winner will be selected at random from all entries received by Thursday, May 31, 2012

We have a winner!! Congratulations Karen B.!!

Check out the complete Blogversary-apolooza giveaway list and learn how you can double your chances!!

Good Luck!!


4 thoughts on “15 Actions to Kick Start Your Own Romance-Gratitude Cycle

  1. I love this post – My hubby and I kind of do this, but not out of awareness – I’ll be paying more attention in future! I think I’ll try #12 and watch this weekend’s Grand Prix with him!

  2. …and I checked out the page and left a comment. Thanks Kathy for pointing us in the direction of all these blogs that we’d never find otherwise!

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