10 reasons I Love Hawaii

As most of you already know, I have been given the incredible gift of a five week stay in Hawaii. We think we may like to live here, at some point in the future, so this is a test run of sorts. Would we get “island fever” and/or is paradise too good to be true? Well to be honest I haven’t entirely figured that out but I do know that I LOVE this place and it has been an incredible treat to be able to share this much time with my family.

Today I’d like to share some of what I love with you.


Aloha Spirit.

My daughter has embraced Aloha. During a recent walk back from the pool she said, “Mom, why do you say hi? I always say Aloha. I’m the spirit of Hawaii.” LOL I suppose she is!!

In addition to being a common greeting,  the word Aloha holds within itself all one needs to know to interact rightfully in the natural world. A Hawiian teaching:

Aloha is being a part of all, and all being a part of me.When there is pain – it is my pain. When there is joy – it is also mine. I respect all that is as part of the Creator and part of me. I will not willfully harm anyone or anything. When food is needed I will take only my need and explain why it is being taken. The earth, the sky, the sea are mine to care for, to cherish and to protect. This is Hawaiian – this is Aloha!

Turtle Everything

I’ve always liked turtles. I worry about them too. Here in Hawaii you can get a Turtle motif fashioned into ANYTHING. Turtle tables, turtle figurines, turtle jewelry. I picked up a nice reusable “turtle” iced tea cup and a small wooden turtle figurine but I don’t think I’ll stop there. I’m not a huge souvenir gal but another little something turtle-y is calling. (My friend Lori recently asked What Kind of Souvenirs Do You Buy? and this trip my answer is turtle-ish stuff!)

The Gorgeous Flowers

Everywhere you go there are marvels! From common houseplants that are super-sized in the encouraging climate to rarities found only here, the beauty is incredible!

The goods… coffee, macadamia nuts & coconut anything!

I don’t know why I don’t normally think of Kona Coffee, macadamia nuts or coconut but I don’t. Here in Hawaii it is such a different story. Every where I go, one or all of them is a major delicious feature.

The sunsets (nuf said!)

The Sweet Birdies

Just like the flowers, the birds of Hawaii are colorful lot. We love waking up to their songs and in every micro-climate there is someone new to meet. The little Saffron Finch pictured here is part of a prolific lot found all over the island and in particular, right outside of our condo door. I think they are just darling.

The Mai Tais

For me, no drink says Hawaii better then a mai tai. I rarely if ever drink them anywhere but here and enjoy the hunt for the best one. So far, my favorite this trip has been at the Cafe Basil, which unfortunately is quite a drive from where we are staying so I am not able to have as many as I otherwise might! I guess the hunt will continue!

The Friendly Ocean

Being from Northern California, a beach is never that far away for me but as a mom to a daredevil girl I have to admit not going that often. You see the rough surf and dangerous undertows that populate my local beaches make most trips a little too nerve-racking for me. Here in Hawaii the option of calmer coral lined bays which help keep the ferociousness away makes it possible for me to relax (a little!) as my girl frolics.

The Perfect Temperatures 

Here on the Big Island, nearly any temperature you crave is available. In fact 11 of the earth’s distinct climates are represented here. Even on the days when the heat rises to slightly uncomfortable, you can count on the trade winds blow in and make the night delightful.

The Family Time

What an amazing backdrop for spending time together! The scenery, the food, the slowing down. All of it has made it easy and extremely fun to linger around the table, take time for that swim before dinner and spend all of our time together. In many ways our life here at the condo is very similar to our life at home however everything is just infused with calm. Dinners are leisurely. We take time to talk. We are not in a hurry. I hope we can take some of this back home with us. We are here for five weeks so I’m hopeful some of our Hawaii routines can become habits at home too!

What place do you LOVE? 

What makes it ENCHANTING for you?

12 thoughts on “10 reasons I Love Hawaii

  1. I’m so happy for you! I hope that those relaxing routines go back with you, too! I can’t imagine having a better place to promote health and happiness – Hawaii is definitely it!

  2. So wonderful, Kathy… so happy for your & your family to be enjoying this amazing time! Thank you for giving us a taste of Hawaii! I feel refreshed just reading/seeing all this. ;o) My husband & I’s favorite city is London, and the UK is our heart-land. We daydream about moving there… who knows, maybe one day! :o)

  3. Q says:

    1 reason I love Hawaii: it’s not here. LOL! I’ve always wanted to go and hopefully, The Mrs. and I, will get there some day. I have no idea of which island or what time of the year to go, but it’s definitely something that I want to experience.

  4. Well you know when I saw the title of your post I just had to stop by Kathy! Not sure if you recall, but while I’m originally from CA I’ve now lived in HI much longer than I did on the mainland. Obviously I agree with you about what a beautiful place Hawaii is, but as I’m sure you’re also aware there is more to living here than sun, aloha, the food and flowers. To a large degree one’s experience in the Islands depends on needs and expectations. If someone is lucky enough to arrive with a job or to retire here, there’s really no place better in my humble opinion. For others who may be looking for work or don’t understand the realities of the cost of living here the experience can be challenging to say the least. It’s certainly not my intention to take away from your beautiful experience, but after 40 years here, 20 in the travel industry, I know all too well how many people throw caution to the wind and come over here expecting an easy time of it, only to leave 6 months later broke and disillusioned. You are doing it the right way – come, experience all the Islands has to offer – see if it’s right for you before selling all your stuff on the mainland. 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Thank you for stopping by Marquita! This is our third summer in Hawaii and I feel we are inching toward making it our home. We will definitely retire here but are being cautious about leaping too soon. We’d love to come sooner but a good mainland job is definitely a factor keeping us from moving sooner!

  5. Hi Kathy!
    What a great win! It sounds like you’re anticipating a wonderful vacation and how can that fail in Hawaii?

    My special place is in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, where I was born. We go once a year in the summer and it’s a complete rest for the soul. It’s on the lake and there are lots of family around. There we commune with nature and just fine peace.

    Now you’ve made me anxious for our trip! Have a great one!

    • Kathy says:

      Lori, Cape Breton sounds wonderful too! I grew up in the Adirondacks and have many a fond memory of time at “the lake” which in my case was the Great Sacandaga Reservoir. Have a wonderful time! And thank you for stopping by!!

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