What 4 Year olds have taught me
by January Handl
The world is brim-full with wonder and magic
Saying I love you out loud makes the bonds better
Most things wash off eventually
A sleeve is handy for all sorts of things
Pockets are about the best invention ever
Animals are fascinating
Things need to be touched to be known
Time is a construct that is absolutely relative
There are treasures everywhere that people overlook
Other people are often unfathomable
Your first impulse isn’t always the one that gets you what you want
Sing with great exuberance even if you aren’t sure of tune or lyrics
Your body has messages for you, and its willing to raise its voice if it has to
This moment is forever, be there
A name can be said as a reprimand
We all need lap time
A hug, a kiss and a Band-Aid heal so many things
Joy just waits for an opening in our wonder.
My daughter is four now. Every word in January’s poem resonates with me. Tamara instinctively went to her daughter when she wanted to capture whimsy. Children understand whimsy. They live in it’s wonder. It is one of the things we enjoy in our children but sadly we sometimes forget the importance in our lives.
- Whimsy is pure fun. It connects us to the magic of delight.
- Whimsy can provide relief in serious situations (even funerals.)
- Whimsy reminds us we were children once.
- Whimsy fuels invention and innovation.
- Whimsy allows you to be “ridiculously, unapologetically, hysterically” you. No matter where you go.
This week’s Bliss Initiative is to remember what we might have done as children, and cultivate delight that way.
Pick a flower or make a snowball, catch a raindrop, make a dandelion wish (full tutorial here!), add sprinkles, double dip, cut a paper doll or snowflake, make a card, tell a joke, buy something sparkly, eat dessert…
This week, how will you invite whimsy?
Tamara and January are here each Monday to help set the mood for the week!
Tamara Magnisky
Tamara Magnitsky, a child of the wild blue yonder,
has been an ardent student and advocate for poetry, photography and excellence in general.
She is the mother of a 6 year old daughter and a beloved wife.
She can be found most days.
Bio written by Cary Brosius ~Tamara’s husband 🙂
January Handl
January Handl is first and always a mother, has been a preschool teacher and parent educator for 25 years, and currently is an early head start home visitor in her community. She resides with 2 dogs and a cat in Boulder Creek and and simply lives in awe of existence.
She calls her photo “hot tub bliss” 🙂
If you are new here Welcome!
This introductory post will introduce the blog, and this post will help us get better acquainted.
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I love this! My daughter turned four last week so it’s very timely for me. Your daughter is stunning!
I’m enjoying your blog and your writing prompts. 🙂
Kelli, thank you so much for stopping by! I’m glad you like it here!
Following you back from Our Lovely Life..your blog is DARLING!
Yay! Thank you!
I love this idea!! I’m not a mom yet, but I’m inching closer and one of my favorite things to do is make up songs about whatever we are doing. We sing and dance and don’t care who listens! I can’t wait to go it with my own kids. They are completely inspiring.
Thank you Susanna! I love your idea as well! You’ll be a great mom one day!!!
So sweet! My son is 9 and thankfully still full of whimsy! I should video him doing his Lady Gaga imitation – followed by his very serious, “Mom, she just doesn’t realize how beautiful she is. She doesn’t need her Gaga gear!” My son has definitely helped me take life less seriously. Amen to that!
Amen is right! Thank you for spreading the whimsy here Amy.